WIDE AWAKE with Erwin McManus
Do you have a dream that you want to pursue but either it doesn't fit your life or you haven't made it your life? Are you living a life of obligation instead of living a life that God has created you to live?
Listen to award-winning and best-selling author and pastor, Erwin McManus as he shares about making your dream your life and living wide awake.
Break Forth Fully Alive is a Podcast of Break Forth Ministries. Learn more at www.breakforthministries.com
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*all opinions are those of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect the positions of Break Forth Ministries
God is NOT Silent - Glory Revealed
David Nasser
Join author and speaker, David Nasser on a journey to find the glory of God revealed in YOUR life.
Glory Revealed: How The Invisible God Makes Himself Known is about learning to see and hear God in our everyday lives.
God is not silent or absent!
Is Justice A Verb or Noun?
Do Justice - With Tom Davis
The prophet Micah instructs us to "do justice".
He reminds us that justice is a verb--it's something we do actively every day as we extend the Kingdom of God.
Discover how to "do justice" in ways that will change your life, church, and world forever.
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Should Christians Seek Pleasure?
Gary Thomas
Sadly, many Christians are suspicious of pleasure, at best.
By presenting a biblical foundation for viewing pleasure as a gift from God, best-selling author, Gary Thomas equips Christians to use pleasure to become more avid worshippers, renew their relationships and gain a valuable tool in their struggles against sin.
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Love Mercy with Tom Davis
Mercy is the practice of extending compassion instead of judgment. How do we love mercy when confronted with the evil actions of a sex trafficker or a child abuser?
Come learn how to lead in the love of mercy through a hurting and unjust world.
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The Christian Worldview and its Competitors
Andy Bannister
If Christians are to engage effectively with our culture, we need to show why the Gospel is true. We'll show why only the Gospel is able to answer the deepest questions of the human heart and mind.
Andy is an author, speaker, and broadcaster. He is also the Director of the Solas Centre for Public Christianity and also Adjunct Research Fellow at the Arthur Jeffery Centre for the Study of Islam at Melbourne School of Theology. Learn more about Andy and his books here: https://www.andybannister.net/
Things I Wish I Knew Before I Got Married - Dr. Gary Chapman
Whatever your age, now is the time to begin learning the skills you will need when you get married.
Dr, Gary Chapman will help you learn how to have a healthy dating relationship and make a wise decision about marriage..
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Walk Humbly
We often fall into the temptation of thinking we have all the answers. Yet God asks us to "walk humbly". Dig into the joy of partnering with those trapped in poverty and allowing them to lead, as we listen, support and "walk humbly" with them.
Phil Callaway - My Year Without Telling a Lie
When Phil set out to journal one year of living the truth, he had no idea that hilarity would ensue.
Hear what happens when Phil does his level best to always tell the truth. You might even take your own truth dare.
Listen in to this message of truth generously sprinkled with gales of laughter.
David Nasser - A Call To Grace
Grace. Nothing is more beautiful and yet nothing more scandalous. Although the church has always sung about God's amazing grace, for many, the unmerited favour of God remains a mystery.
So what exactly is God's grace? How does it go from a bunch of theology to a truth that can revolutionize my life? Listen in as David Nasser shares powerful lessons on God’s grace.
Sacred Marriage
Gary Thomas
What If God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy?
This podcast episode focuses on building a spiritually intimate marriage, the role of sexual intimacy in Christian marriage and the role of marriage in teaching us how to love according to Christ’s command.
Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People
Andy Bannister
This COVID pandemic has been difficult. Maybe you’ve wondered why good people have been so deeply affected, even with their very lives. It may have even shaken your faith or the faith of a loved one.
How can we reconcile the God of the Bible with a world of evil and suffering? How can we help people for whom this question is an obstacle to faith? Come, gain a firm foundation as Andy Bannister shares this important message.
The Five Languages Of Apology
Dr. Gary Chapman
Even in the best of relationships, all of us make mistakes. We do and say things we later regret and hurt the people we love most. So we need to make things right. But simply saying you’re sorry is usually not enough.
In this session, #1 New York Times bestselling author Gary Chapman unveils new ways to effectively approach and mend fractured relationships. Even better, you’ll discover how meaningful apologies provide the power to make your friendships, family, and marriage stronger than ever before.
This Message will help you . . .
Cool down heated arguments
Offer apologies that are fully accepted
Rekindle love that has been dimmed by pain
Restore and strengthen valuable relationships
Trade in tired excuses for honesty, trust, and joy
Dr. Gary Chapman: Anger Handling A Powerful Emotion In a Healthy Way
How can we handle our anger and help those we love with theirs? Dr. Gary Chapman offers helpful and sometimes surprising insights on why we get angry, what we can do about it, and how we can use anger for good.
Andy Bannister: Why Trust The Bible?
With the Bible under frequent attack, it's vital for Christians to be able to explain to our friends why we trust it. Encounter some amazing new evidence that shows how the Gospel contains eyewitness testimony and learn how we can share this with skeptical friends.
Gary Thomas: Common Blessings Familiar Miracles
Romans 1:21 says an ungrateful heart opens the door to spiritual darkness. This class examines the importance of maintaining an attitude of reverence and awe toward God, not becoming callous toward his blessings and miracles and learning to live with sincere gratitude and thankfulness.
Gary Chapman Five Love Languages
Learn how to keep emotional love alive after you come down off the initial “in love” experience! Many couples live for years with empty ‘love tanks’. If we genuinely feel loved, life is beautiful. Discover your spouse’s ‘love language’ and how to speak it, keeping the ‘love tank’ full.